Sunday, January 2, 2011

The diamondback moth made a mess of things...

After a long battle with this dreaded pest of the brassicas it seems of have claimed victory. There are just too many caterpillars and too much damage so the broccoli and cauliflower are coming out.

A few of the broccoli pulled through but we'll harvest them and destroy the rest.

Goodbye cauliflower, nice knowing you.

But the pig wasn't complaining.

The tomatoes are also diseased beyond repair so we harvested what was there and pulled them out.

The larder, mostly beefsteak.

Thanks to volunteer Miriam for the help and enthusiasm on a drizzly day.

Kathryn and that funny british guy planting onions, beets and carrots where the broccoli and cauliflower once was.

Peppers going into the tomato bed.